The mark of a good coach is to have their players engaged and enjoying the sport. Practices should be planned and include using stations to divide the players into smaller groups. This way multiple skills can be worked on while giving players the maximum amount of reps possible in the time period.
Coaches should put as many willing parents to use as possible.
Start with establishing a master list of skills you would like your players to develop. You will add to this as you and your team grow. This master list will allow you to see what you have worked on and what you should potentially plan to practice. Skill headers should include throwing, catching, fielding (defense), hitting (offense), pitching , catching, communication, base running, and team building.
Prepare your practice plan (written), and share it with the assistants, and even players when they are old enough. This will help your team and staff move through the drills efficiently.
Example of a practice plan:
Short talk on todays goal and good sportsmanship(5 min)
Stretches and dynamic warmup (10 min)
Base running: We will run through first (5 min)
Throwing/receiving drill: Foam balls no glove, work on two hand catches and accuracy (10 min)
Break out into drill stations: 3 stations 4 players each. pop fly foam ball, triangles, tag outs (15 min)
Hitting: Players will take full field. 1 batter warming up on the T, the other taking soft toss hitting to fielders. 40 min
Fun: Players will run relays around bases 10 min
Below is a resource link that will help you understand and plan for practices in the future, with many included drills.